Kenneth is currently in rehearsals for the upcoming production of Ethel Sings, directed by Will Pomerantz. A whimsical new play written by Joan Beber, Ethel Sings looks fearlessly at this determined mother, singer, writer and actress swept up in the fatal Red Scare hysteria of the 1950s. The play challenges time and space and also features Lorraine, an everywoman of many colors, as Ethel's guide on her journey. Thanks to director Will Pomerantz, and Pat McCorkle for assembling a fantastic cast that includes (pictured above from L) Ari Butler, Adrienne C. Moore (Orange is the New Black), yours truly, Joel Leffert, Serge Thony, Tracy Michailidis, David Fierro, Sheria Irving and Kevin Isola. I'm so proud of the diversity of this company - a myriad voices from disparate backgrounds coming together to tell a most human story of mortality, solitude, love, courage and legacy.
Previews start May 31 and performances run thru July 13 at the Beckett Theatre on Theatre Row, 410 West 42nd Street, NYC. For more information: www.EthelSings.com
Previews start May 31 and performances run thru July 13 at the Beckett Theatre on Theatre Row, 410 West 42nd Street, NYC. For more information: www.EthelSings.com